1st Bruno Chess Foundation - FIDE Rapid Rating Chess Tournament 2022 - Final StandingsLast update 07.04.2022 17:19:38, Creator/Last Upload: R Ravikumar
Player info
Name | Jaikavin Senthilkumar | Starting rank | 71 | Rating | 1335 | Rating national | 0 | Rating international | 1335 | Performance rating | 1524 | FIDE rtg +/- | 20,4 | Points | 5,5 | Rank | 21 | Federation | IND | Club/City | TN | Ident-Number | 468602021 | Fide-ID | 25775812 | Year of birth | 2006 |
Rd. | Bo. | SNo | | Name | Rtg | Pts. | Res. |
1 | 69 | 300 | | Gowtham Sidthart | 0 | 2,5 | |
2 | 69 | 195 | AFM | Mohit S | 1095 | 5,5 | |
3 | 4 | 4 | | Phoobalan P. | 2166 | 5,5 | |
4 | 32 | 213 | | Gokul Ramesh | 1062 | 3,5 | |
5 | 14 | 29 | | Tamizh Selvan Ganesan | 1569 | 6 | |
6 | 41 | 191 | | Nitesh Sai Sundaram | 1099 | 4,5 | |
7 | 29 | 212 | AFM | Shanmugam D | 1066 | 4,5 | |
*) Rating difference of more than 400. It was limited to 400.