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Torneio Rio Masters - S2000

Last update 15.05.2022 22:35:10, Creator/Last Upload: AlvaroFrota

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Starting rank list

1IMDi Berardino Diego Rafael77852105446BRA24902474
2IMLimp Eduardo Thelio20622100207BRA23222306
3FMAranha Filho Alvaro Z.28982103931BRA22262327
4FMRangel Daniel259262124475BRA22072263
5FMGuimaraes Wagner Peixoto18432100940BRA22042207
6FMViana Dirceu13012101360BRA21702187
7CMRibeiro Matheus Mendes Domingues49825324226923BRA21682198
8FMSantos Rafael Ventura Dos323232122227BRA21612055
9FMSilva Kaua Marques4740522701168BRA21262158
10NMDa Silva Paolo Ghiu M. Rego371022105420BRA21242026
11NMLage Pedro Ferreira359162154269BRA21002160
12Araujo Renan Aparecido359682135191BRA20252114
13Campos Alexandre Ferreira17822108097BRA20252044
14Santos Filho Tadeu Sousa180672105500BRA20162089
15Gomes Pedro Pessoa416832187418BRA20162039