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PD Function @ 3.30 PM on 07/04/2022, Female, Gujarat, Under 10, Under 15 Players please confirm the Group & Type Column respectively. Please report to result table in case of any corrections.

3rd Gujarat International Open GrandMasters Chess Tournament 2022 (280100/GUJ/2022)

Last update 07.04.2022 11:16:39, Creator/Last Upload: Soundaramoorthy

Player overview for UZB

14IMNigmatov Ortik2445UZB1111½11½1½8,51
16IMAbdisalimov Abdimalik2435UZB1111½½11½½85

Results of the last round for UZB

Rd.Bo.No.NameTypGrRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypGrRtgNo.
10114IMNigmatov Ortik24458 ½ - ½8 GMNeelotpal Das240922
10316IMAbdisalimov Abdimalik2435 ½ - ½7 GMStany G.A.25173

Player details for UZB

IM Nigmatov Ortik 2445 UZB Rp:2494 Pts. 8,5
1202Sidharth Sreekumar1418IND5,5s 1
2115Krishnan Ritvik1761IND7w 1
370Santu Mondal2063IND6,5s 1
459IMDeshmukh Anup2190IND6w 1
519GMHesham Abdelrahman2424EGY7s ½
631IMDel Rey Diego2371ESP6w 1
718IMNitin S.2427IND7,5s 1
826IMSrihari L R2400IND7,5w ½
93GMStany G.A.2517IND7,5s 1
1022GMNeelotpal Das2409IND8,5w ½
IM Abdisalimov Abdimalik 2435 UZB Rp:2412 Pts. 8
1204Sachi Jain1401IND6s 1
2117Chidvilash Sai Surapaneni1753IND6,5w 1
374Shiva Pavan Teja Sharma U2022IND6s 1
477Bhattacharyya Soham2004IND7w 1
526IMSrihari L R2400IND7,5s ½
635Ritviz Parab2349IND7w ½
743FMAyush Sharma2302IND6,5s 1
89GMMirzoev Azer2476AZE7w 1
94GMHarsha Bharathakoti2499IND7,5s ½
103GMStany G.A.2517IND7,5w ½