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PD Function @ 3.30 PM on 07/04/2022, Female, Gujarat, Under 10, Under 15 Players please confirm the Group & Type Column respectively. Please report to result table in case of any corrections.

3rd Gujarat International Open GrandMasters Chess Tournament 2022 (280100/GUJ/2022)

Last update 07.04.2022 11:16:39, Creator/Last Upload: Soundaramoorthy

Player overview for EGY

6GMFawzy Adham2490EGY111½½100½16,548
19GMHesham Abdelrahman2424EGY1111½1001½722

Results of the last round for EGY

Rd.Bo.No.NameTypGrRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypGrRtgNo.
101554FMAradhya Garg2236 ½ - ½ GMHesham Abdelrahman242419
10376GMFawzy Adham2490 1 - 06 Watarkar Yash1753119

Player details for EGY

GM Fawzy Adham 2490 EGY Rp:2145 Pts. 6,5
1194Aditi Yogesh Kayal1449IND5s 1
2109Lakshyesh Mohan Gupta1777IND5w 1
358IMSuvrajit Saha2198IND6s 1
447Kaustuv Kundu2281IND7w ½
555FMDe Silva L M S T2220SRI5,5s ½
663FMJain Kashish Manoj2162IND7w 1
726IMSrihari L R2400IND7,5s 0
851WIMArpita Mukherjee2260IND7,5w 0
996Shaik Sumer Arsh1852IND6,5s ½
10119Watarkar Yash1753IND6w 1
GM Hesham Abdelrahman 2424 EGY Rp:2266 Pts. 7
1207Rout Yashita1392IND4,5w 1
2118Satvik Sharma1753IND6,5s 1
376IMWeerawardane Romesh2005SRI6w 1
480Ilamparthi A R1993IND6,5s 1
514IMNigmatov Ortik2445UZB8,5w ½
62GMSavchenko Boris2535RUS7s 1
722GMNeelotpal Das2409IND8,5w 0
834IMAnuj Shrivatri2350IND8,5s 0
972IMSahu Sekhar Chandra2049IND5,5w 1
1054FMAradhya Garg2236IND7s ½