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2014 Ethiopia Women National Championship

Senast uppdaterad25.04.2022 18:57:57, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

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1Haile Lidet Abate15702073ETH1606
2Weldegebriel Israel Tekeste15700313ETH1521
3Gurara Samrawit Girma15708500ETH1497
4Eshete Ruth Leykun15700194ETH1489
5Melebo Yenenesh Lukas15702332ETH1372
6Alemu Huluka Aschalech15700283ETH1370
7Bantiwalu Aster Melake15702081ETH1345
8Girmay Fiyori Gebremeskel10801812ETH1222
9Abera Mekdes Demssie15701964ETH1198
10Mekonen Selemawit Kidanemaryam15704467ETH1146
11Abayneh Melda Ermias15709779ETH0
12Abera Betelhem15700178ETH0
13Ayele Hana Mulugeta15707687ETH0
14Getahun Bezawit Mekonnen347138124ETH0
15Jemaneh Ruth Getu15709787ETH0
16Lema Bitaniya Ermiyas15707776ETH0
17Mekonnen Selemawit Sileshi15707725ETH0
18Melebo Netsanet Lukas15707490ETH0
19Samrawit Alemayehu Kebede15702502ETH0
20Zewde Engidawerk Zerihun15707504ETH0
21Zinabu Yohana Temesgen15709795ETH0