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Preliminary results. Please check your score.

South African Junior Closed Chess Championships 2022 U10 Open

Last update 02.04.2022 22:36:56, Creator: Marius van Zyl,Last Upload: Hendrik du Toit

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Starting rank list

1Yang Daniel11200967791256
2Mazikana Ethan11201092541253
3Rust Christoph1120119689143465751193
4Driscoll Samuel113011209414346885RSA1181
5Segal Jamie11201355491090
6Badenhorst Matthew113013072714350777996
7Gxumisa Tshiamo1120109798957
8Minny Oban113013122414350823887
9Hex Kyle1120133800866
10Van Loggerenberg Elandre1130135701866
11Retief Antonie1120111803860
12Fokker Tiaan1120133904852
13Conradie Dirk1130136148842
14Steyn Henco1120107185840
15Slabbert Marko1130130105834
16Bosman Johan1120116463780
17Horne Kian1120119998695
18Samsunder Aryan113013385614350858640
19Butner James1130133911624
20Lovett Kurgan1120130065545
21Strydom Soon1120135700488