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Preliminary results. Please check your score.

South African Junior Closed Chess Championships 2022 U10 Girls

Darrera actualització02.04.2022 11:11:14, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Marius van Zyl

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Rànquing inicial

1Budhram Kaylee212011114514343509RSA1263wPaid
2Mungal Zoey212011595914341654RSA1254wPaid
3Theron Carla212010936614350971950wPaid
4Hagen Sophia2120109817908wPaid
5Zulu Thandoluhle2120103104RSA879wPaid
6Pillay Verana2120109367871wPaid
7De Swardt Mieke2120108352828wPaid
8Dyabooi Azingce2130097267RSA808wPaid
9Mulholland Emmy2120108312768wPaid
10Hu Grobbelaar La-lu2120135696753wPaid
11Van der Schyff Charlize2120135385745wPaid
12Nell Chelsea2130133065734wPaid
13Crowie Allegra2120135695508wPaid
14Erwee Elizabeth2120134048455wPaid
15Padayachy Vidya2120130097446wPaid