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Preliminary results. Please check your score.

South African Junior Closed Chess Championships 2022 U8 Open

Last update 02.04.2022 11:14:18, Creator/Last Upload: Marius van Zyl

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Starting rank

1Eapen Johan114011341314350637RSA104401044Paid
2Badenhorst Daniel115013072614350769102101021Paid
3Soojay Josiah115013449114350629RSA9870987Paid
4Van Der Merwe Wolf11501365528510851Paid
5Thorulsley Kai11401355577730773Paid
6Goncalves Alho Miguel11401351287700770Paid
7Retief Michael11401339367600760Paid
8Erwee Philip11401340577590759Paid
9Kay Noah11401363307480748Paid
10Pillay Yishai11501349017300730Paid
11Pillay Joshua11401122607270727Paid
12Murphy Saul11401325855690569Due R800
13Opperman Naude11401346245270527Paid
14Neale Owen11501349004280428Paid
15Aikman Gustav1140137652000Paid