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Preliminary results. Please check your score.

South African Junior Closed Chess Championships 2022 U8 Girls

Darrera actualització02.04.2022 11:11:53, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Marius van Zyl

Llista del rànquing inicial

1du Plessis Mia21401342407400740wPaid
2Loots Mia21401338537220722wPaid
3Venter Elke2140133857143507506750675wPaid
4Roberts Frans-Leigh21401357766170617wPaid
5Le Kay Alexa21501355516050605wPaid
9Exarchos Isabella2150136753RSA4380438wPaid
6Fourie Karla21401340623760376wPaid
7Van der Schyff Mila-ne21401353862650265wPaid
8Conradie Ingrid2150137653000wPaid