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Orjan Lindroth Memorial Open 2022

Last update 04.04.2022 02:14:05, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1GMChristiansen Johan-Sebastian1512668NOR2590
2GMGonzalez Renier3501841USA2447
3IMFernandez Daniel2015390USA2444
4FMSmith Shreyas7400713JAM2126
5CMKnowles Kendrick10400451BAH1903
6Cox Valentine10400095BAH1831
7FMMoncur Cecil10400583BAH1812
8CMSmall Byron10400044BAH1731
9Clifford Shaw33100101CAY1707
10CMSmith Nathan61400220BAH1672
11Tracey Shaun M419052CAY1607
12Skinner Francis10400796BAH1461
13Stuart Clive10400761BAH1376
14Albury Noah10401130BAH1337
15Pride Avian10401202BAH1208
16Barker Shawn30963125USA0
17Bridgewater Trevor10401334BAH0
18Cargill JaylaBAH0
19Genil KeianeBAH0
20Green TimothyBAH0
21Hanchell Lhale10401407BAH0
22Hanchell Lheerin10401393BAH0
23Lockhart Kenville10400699BAH0
24Pride Chika10401601BAH0
25Pride Curtis10401199BAH0
26Roxas KielBAH0
27Simms Uriel10401725BAH0
28Weir Theophilus10401717BAH0
29White Max10401326BAH0
30Zarchan LeonBAH0