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Campeonato Nacional de Ajedrez Sub-12 Absoluto 2022

Darrera actualització04.04.2022 01:01:41, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

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Rànquing inicial

1Garzon Camelo Andres Santiago4496370VAL1741
2Ruiz Agudelo Jeronimo4473353ANT1693Proantioquia
3CMNegron Lizarazo Juan Sebastian3936910NS1573
4Rodriguez William Nicolas4492609HUI1533Colombus American School
5Abreu Balza Alan Jeremias3957829RIS1508Club GM Alder Escobar
6Rueda Rojas Richard Alejandro4491505SAN1501
7Manrique Bermudez Josue4486854ANT1494Proantioquia
8Borre Meza Orlando David4483375QUI1480
9Gonzalez Bolivar Juan Jose4491467SAN1477
10Soto Ramirez Andres Camilo4466209RIS1444
11Alape Juan David4497066VAL1436
12Torres Hernandez Deivy Santiago4498968FEC1380
13Sanchez Burgos Carlos Antonio4482140VAL1371
14Andrade Gomez Samuel4482034VAL1310
15Cano Alcaraz Juan Jose144403224RIS1280Club GM Alder Escobar
16Alzate Velez Valentin4486617ANT1277Proantioquia
17Delgado Caballero Nigel Alejandro4492846MET1230
18Sepulveda Brango Alberto Enrique4481402BOL1215
19Bermudez Rojas Alejandro144405413RIS1152Club GM Alder Escobar
20Portilla Carranza Matias4464320MET1130
21Torres Diaz Juan Manuel144402058HUI1600
22Martinez Jimenez Juan Felipe144402775CUN1500Municipal
23Marquez Alex Jose4493940BOL1486Soy Talento
24Buitrago Pinto Samuel Alejandro144402473MET1440
25Delgado Caballero Kevin Daniel4492676MET1430Rey Dama
26Pena Ramirez Jatniel144405634VAL1342
27Villamil Moreno Daniel Esteban4486013FEC1333Kallpa
28Sanchez Riscanevo Santiago4483340VAL1304
29Bustos Vasquez Victor Manuel144405677VAL1300
30Jimenez Manuel DavidVAL1269
31Munoz Ortega Juan David4485904VAL1251
32Villafane Luis Fernando4469658VAL1249
33Gaitan Munoz LeonardoVAL1213
34Lozano Pulgarin Josue Amador4492714VAL1188
35Baccal Artunduaga Juan DiegoVAL0
36Estupinan Rodriguez Gabriel HumbertoCUN0Sopo
37Galeano Reyes Juan Esteban4499093TOL0
38Garcia Castro Miguel AngelCUN0Chabaku
39Gonzalez Parra Yessalej ElianVAL0
40Herrera Jimenez Mateo144404018BOL0
41Lopez Torres Johan DavidCUN0Torre de los Almeida
42Lozano Escandon Jaime144405740VAL0
43Narvaez Hurtado Miguel AngelVAL0
44Patino Moreno Cristian LeandroVAL0
45Ramirez Morales Jose ManuelFEC0
46Rincon Salazar EmmanuelFEC0Kallpa
47Silva Alvarez Matias144405782VAL0
48Veira Taquez Manuel JosueVAL0