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Campeonato da Primeira Categoria do Esporte Clube Pinheiros 2022

Last update 05.08.2022 20:39:42, Creator/Last Upload: ECP

Starting rank list of players

1Chiaretti Flavio Mario2174952BRA1802
8Magalhaes Gabriel Ribeiro22765905BRA1666
3Funayama S A Yuri22714286BRA1610
5Atanes Neto Severiano2114682BRA1537
6Von Erlea Simon P. J. E.2174960BRA1531
9Venelli Luiz Gonzaga2132060BRA1500
2Dattoli Micael Cimet2186152BRA1485
4Caribe Santos Luiz Carlos2171708BRA1481
7Bicalho Rafael Cury2174944BRA1454
10Gansl Eduardo2178770BRA1429
11Ferreira Rogerio da SilvaBRA0