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XXI TORNEO MAGISTRAL DE ELGOIBAR Elgoibar del 14 al 20 de Diciembre de 2011

Last update 20.12.2011 22:39:19, Creator/Last Upload: IRURETAGOIENA, Lukas

Starting rank list of players

8GMKorneev OlegRUS2608Can
9GMPaunovic DraganSRB2528Gal
4GMMirzoev AzerAZE2510Cat
1GMFranco Ocampos ZenonPAR2505Gal
2FMAnton Guijarro DavidESP2469Mad
5IMFranco Alonso AlejandroESP2454Mad
3IMGonzalez De La Torre SantiagoESP2431Eus
7IMEtchegaray PatriceFRA2420Eus
10IMForcen Esteban DanielESP2410Ara
6FMAstasio Lopez DavidESP2321Eus