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2022 Welsh Championship

Darrera actualització18.04.2022 22:36:54, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Kevin

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Rànquing inicial

1IMCamacho Collados Jose2265427WLS2414
2FMKozusek Daniel349500WLS2315
3FMToczek Grzegorz1106457WLS2290
4Everett Elijah12973696WLS2217
5FMBlackburn Jonathan L B1801090WLS2215
6Brown Thomas1801430WLS2173
7CMKett Tim1801210WLS2168
8FMZeidler Sven P.1800604WLS2157
9CMBullen Alex1801627WLS2079
10Lavender James1802810WLS2039
11Garcia Jason1801775WLS2022
12Bennett Patrick1801228WLS1961
13Davis Lee1801325WLS1944
14Thomas James1802020WLS1941
15Rathbone-Jones Ifan1803859WLS1915
16Turner Joseph David1801520WLS1888
17Evans Nicholas Thomas1802674WLS1882
18Mcgregor John1803514WLS1874
19Fathallah Joe1801899WLS1869
20WCMSmith Lynda1800191WLS1772