1st - Guy Vernon, 2nd - Fionn O'Donovan, 3rd - Paul Bloom, Edwin Magombe, Paul Spencer, Michael Wickham & Conrad Hall, Rating Prize (U1500) - Tony Bynnersley.
PGNs are available to download below.
1. Open (FIDE and ECF rated), 2. Major - Under 2000 FIDE and ECF (FIDE and ECF rated), 3. Minor - Under 1750 FIDE and ECF (ECF rated). Central London / Imperial College Congress 22nd - 24th April 2022 Minor at Imperial College Union, Prince Consort Rd, South Kensington, London SW7 2BBDie Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 28.04.2022 04:46:27, Ersteller/Letzter Upload:
Nr. | | | Name | Ident | FideID | Land | EloN | Typ | Gr | Verein/Ort |
1 | | | Wickham Michael | 121599 | 448451 | ENG | 1724 | S65 | Gold | Epsom |
2 | | | Pride Stephen C | 140662 | 419680 | ENG | 1700 | S65 | Gold | Cambridge City |
3 | | | Spencer Paul | 171017 | 343403964 | ENG | 1691 | | Silv | New England |
4 | | | Seymour Paul | 155365 | 433128 | ENG | 1688 | S50 | Gold | Staines |
5 | | | Bloom Paul | 160156 | 454311 | ENG | 1678 | S50 | Gold | Coulsdon Chess Club |
6 | | | Magombe Edwin | 253116 | 343400310 | ENG | 1657 | | Silv | Battersea |
7 | | | Vernon Guy | 292157 | 343400400 | ENG | 1645 | | Gold | Durham University |
8 | | | Folonier Matias | 346758 | 171271 | ARG | 0 | | Silv | London W * |
9 | | | O'Donovan Fionn | 293492 | 493643 | ENG | 1559 | | Bron | Reading |
10 | | | Hall Conrad | 342536 | | ENG | 1540 | S50 | Bron | Lewisham |
11 | | | Haddock Paul | 101814 | 419150 | ENG | 1515 | S50 | Gold | Wanstead |
12 | | | Tree Djuna | 315425 | 468738 | ENG | 1503 | | Silv | Battersea |
13 | | | Gillespie Frank | 154688 | 480789 | ENG | 1497 | S65 | Gold | Beckenham & Bromley |
14 | | | Somupillai Selvarattinam Genga | 118693 | 415944 | ENG | 1497 | S65 | Gold | South Norwood |
15 | | | Watt Chris J | 323159 | 485012 | ENG | 1490 | S50 | Silv | Battersea |
16 | | | Bynnersley Ag (Tony) | 107845 | 427020 | ENG | 1482 | S65 | Gold | West London |
17 | | | Denney Simon C | 268163 | 424030 | ENG | 0 | | Gold | Colchester |
18 | | | Wertheim Kenneth | 302493 | | ENG | 1380 | | Silv | Southampton University |
19 | | | Hunt Iain | 328594 | | ENG | 1294 | | Silv | Lewisham |
20 | | | McGann John | 247165 | 443077 | ENG | 1184 | S50 | Gold | Kings Head |
21 | | | Osseiran Nadim | 312531 | 473790 | ENG | 1180 | S50 | Gold | Hammersmith |
22 | | | Cakova Monika | 299129 | 456225 | ENG | 1113 | | Silv | Ealing |
23 | | | Carter John Francis | 101486 | 420530 | ENG | 1678 | S50 | * | Muswell Hill |
24 | | | Demirdelen Ozan | 346152 | | ENG | 0 | | Gold | Loughton |
25 | | | Devlin Liam | 344786 | 343403727 | ENG | 0 | | Gold | Andover |
26 | | | Ramaraju Siddarth | 313923 | 343404600 | ENG | 0 | U20 | Silv | Surrey |
27 | | | Smith Gregor | 341187 | 343402976 | ENG | 0 | | Bron | Kingston |
28 | | | Francis Lishoy | 327027 | | ENG | 0 | | Gold | Surrey * |
29 | | | Ang Seth Tiger Cheng Yu | 345870 | | ENG | 0 | | * | Imperial College London |