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Last update 14.05.2022 21:28:26, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Katsanis Vasileios Dim1512GRE 24b1 2w1 8b½ 13w1 4w½ 5b1 6b163122,55
2Nemtsas Hristoforos1789GRE 33w1 1b0 19w1 15b1 9w1 4b½ 5w15,52920,55
3Troupis Georgios-Dimitrios1488GRE 27b1 31w1 5b0 29w1 14b1 4w15,525,518,55
4Poulos Georgios1866GRE 22b1 17w1 11b1 6w½ 1b½ 2w½ 3b04,53323,53
5Panopoulos Ioannis1739GRE 26b1 7w½ 28b1 3w1 6b1 1w0 2b04,532234
6Sideris Theodoros1643GRE 40w1 14b1 9w1 4b½ 5w0 20b1 1w04,530214
7Kelidis Panagiotis1471GRE 15w1 5b½ 34b1 10w½ 12b- 22b+4,528,520,52
8Tampakis Vasileios1549GRE 30w1 29b½ 1w½ 25b1 14w½ 10b½ 9w½4,52819,52
9AFMPothos Aris1534GRE 41b1 21w1 6b0 11w1 2b0 24w1 8b½4,52719,54
10Soukarie Zorz1695GRE 19b1 11w0 18b1 24w1 7b½ 8w½ 12b½4,526,5193
11Robotis Nikolaos1471GRE 37w1 10b1 4w0 9b0 25w1 16b½ 20w14,525,5194
12Marianidis Dimitrios1709GRE 29w0 34b½ 33w1 30b+ 13b½ 7w+ 10w½4,524171
13Nteligiorgis Georgios1471GRE 25b1 29w1 1b0 12w½ 15b1 -042819,53
14Kosma Maria1457GRE 38b1 6w0 21b1 18w1 8b½ 3w0 16w½42719,53
15Drimalas Andreas-Anastasios0GRE 7b0 26w1 32b1 2w0 17b1 13w0 24b142718,54
16Apostolou Nikolaos1628GRE 28w½ 24b0 40w1 26b1 11w½ 14b½42416,52
17Chantzopoulos Theodoros1520GRE 35w1 4b0 25w0 19b1 15w0 34b+ 26b1421153
18Athanasiou Soumela1451GRE 34w½ 36b1 10w0 14b0 28w1 29b+ -03,52417,52
19Papadopoulos Antonios Ioan1224GRE 10w0 37b+ 2b0 17w0 39b1 32w½ 29b13,52416,52
20Kazantzoglou Stefanos1604GRE 28b0 41w1 23w1 31b1 6w0 11b03,523,5173
21Tsitimakis Periklis0GRE -1 9b0 14w0 26w0 40b½ 41w1 32b13,522,5162
22Tsampas Charalampos1433GRE 4w0 35b1 34w0 41b1 30w+ 7w-3,522162
23Chatzistefanou Panagiotis1270GRE -0 36w1 20b0 30b0 39w1 31b+3,520,514,52
24Tsavas Christos1000GRE 1w0 33b1 16w1 10b0 34w1 9b0 15w0328,5203
25Kolpetinou Kyriaki0GRE 13w0 40b+ 17b1 8w0 11b0 26w0 36b1324,5182
26Georgiladakis Spyridon1350GRE 5w0 15b0 35w1 21b1 16w0 25b1 17w0323173
27Panaidis Fragkiskos1259GRE 3w0 39b0 32w½ 37b1 31w1 -0322,5152
28Drivas Georgios I1159GRE 20w1 16b½ 5w0 31b0 18b0 36w½ 35b1321,515,52
29Paroglou Marianna1339GRE 12b1 8w½ 13b0 39w1 3b0 18w- 19w02,52719,52
30Armaos Michail1122GRE 8b0 38w+ 12w- 23w1 22b- -02,525,518,51
31Paliopoulos Nikolaos1417GRE 39w+ 3b0 28w1 20w0 27b0 23w-2,525,5171
32Kilakos Dimitrios1373GRE -0 15w0 27b½ 35w1 19b½ 21w02,52216,51
33Kazantzoglou Nikolaos1401GRE 2b0 24w0 12b0 -0 37w1 41b+2,520131
34Pantoulas Georgios0GRE 18b½ 12w½ 22b1 7w0 24b0 17w- -0224,5171
35Kazantzoglou Aristotelis1090GRE 17b0 22w0 26b0 36w1 32b0 40w+ 28w0219,514,51
Trikkas Charalampos0GRE 18w0 23b0 35b0 38w1 28b½ 25w0219,514,51
37Lampropoulos Stamatis0GRE 11b0 19w- 41w0 38b1 27w0 33b0 -121913,51
38Nikolidakis Pantelis0GRE 14w0 30b- 40b0 37w0 36b0 -1 39b121712,51
39Xynidi Areti0GRE 31b- 27w1 29b0 19w0 23b0 38w01,522,516,51
40Paizanos Epameinondas1186GRE 6b0 25w- 38w1 16b0 21w½ 35b- -01,522,5161
41Garoufos Panagiotis1121GRE 9w0 20b0 37b1 22w0 21b0 33w-1,521,5151

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable