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5th under 20 national individual chess championship

Senast uppdaterad06.03.2022 12:50:19, Creator/Last Upload: Dejen

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1Biniyam AkliluETH1906
2Habtamu BayuETH1843
3Abeselom GobezeETH1418
4Abdulfeta WerkaETH0
5Bereket TigstuETH0
6Besufikad KindeETH0
7Dagim TirunehETH0
8Daniel TadesseETH0
9Eyob AdiseETH0
10Eyoel DesalegnETH0
11Girum GetuETH0
12Habtamu AlemayehuETH0
13Imran MuhadinETH0
14Kemal AbduselamETH0
15Mehari GetanehETH0
16Mintesnot AdnkETH0
17Munir HassenETH0
18Petros OlanaETH0
19Yitbarek ZelalemETH0