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Blitz Women Gala Monaco

Darrera actualització27.02.2022 19:34:46, Creador/Darrera càrrega:

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Rànquing inicial

1GMSocko Bartosz1107038POL2642
2IMPaehtz Elisabeth4641833GER2507
3GMCramling Pia1700030SWE2452
4IMSkripchenko Almira13900145FRA2395
5GMSocko Monika1106619POL2393
6GMBagheri Amir12500283MNC2360
7GMBellon Lopez Juan Manuel2200031SWE2322
8WGMDornbusch Tatiana14107449MNC2238
9Ribbegren Karl Johan5400040MNC2183
10FMTsorbatzoglou Theodoros4200586GRE2169
11FMVan Hoolandt Patrick200999MNC2054
12WCMBerezovska Svetlana5400740MNC1796
13WCMJose Polanco Kenia6401074MNC1759
14Milewska Agnieszka1196391ENG1677
15Berezovsky Fiorina5400651MNC1607
16Johnson Sonja7703880TTO0