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Worcester Schools Trials U18 Boys

Last update 19.02.2022 14:16:24, Creator/Last Upload: Chantelle Jacobs

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Starting rank

1Steyn AidanRSA1386Worc Gim
2Africa GillmoreRSA1210Worc Gim
3Mercuur LoganRSA1172Worc Gim
4Africa LindsayRSA1105Worc Gim
5Roux HermanRSA912Drostdy
6Isaacs WesleyRSA898Montana
7Le Fleur JuanitoRSA853Drostdy
8Snyman AlexRSA812Drostdy
9Adams MarlinRSA769Hexvallei
10Verhoog WalkenRSA727Hexvallei
11Mootsi SeemoRSA645Somerset
12September MatthewRSA632Montana
13Opperman EnricoRSA608Worc Gim
14Jansen RaydenRSA530Worc Gim
15Karelse RicardianoRSA521Hexvallei
16Cronje ZanderRSA519Drostdy
17Maree BrevinRSA500Worc Gim
18Philander JovanteRSA388Breerivier
19Adler KeanoRSA0Drostdy
20Albertus KeenanRSA0Hexvallei
21Brandt DavidRSA0Charlie Hofmeyr
22Brown GarethRSA0Breerivier
23Burger LouwRSA0Charlie Hofmeyr
24Du Toit SelwynRSA0Charlie Hofmeyr
25Fredericks John LukeRSA0Drostdy
26Konstabel MarquenRSA0Hexvallei
27Lambrechts DavianRSA0Hexvallei
28Le Roux ZaburRSA0Somerset
29Lievenberg MathewRSA0Charlie Hofmeyr
30Motasie SinthleRSA0Somerset
31Museke PaulRSA0Somerset
32Myoli OscarRSA0Somerset
33Patoshie BradleyRSA0Hexvallei
34Pieters GethanRSA0Charlie Hofmeyr
35Piquer CalebRSA0Charlie Hofmeyr
36Richards DavidRSA0Hexvallei
37Van Wyk JannesRSA0Charlie Hofmeyr
38Visser JacobRSA0Charlie Hofmeyr
39Witbooi AntonioRSA0Charlie Hofmeyr