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2022 Lyca Mobile Uganda IM Norm Chess Championship

Last update 23.02.2022 10:15:38, Creator/Last Upload: ugandachess

Starting rank list of players

1GMFawzy Adham10613129EGY2476
2IMBwalya Gillan8700257ZAM2410
3IMSsegwanyi Arthur10000100UGA2409
4FMKawuma Patrick10000127UGA2353
5FMWanyama Harold10000380UGA2291
6Ssonko Mathias Allan10001301UGA2187
7FMNsubuga Haruna10000569UGA2154
8Gong Thon Gong32500610SSD2114
9Mabior Anyuat Mabior32501773SSD2067
10Peter Majur Manyang32500840SSD2030