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2021 National Championship

Last update 13.02.2022 14:07:16, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Lesotho

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Starting rank

1Tokelo Klaas21300020LES1812
2Tsephe Lebajoa21302197LES1715
3Molapo Joang21300380LES1640
4Motsamai Bokang21301441LES1418
5Ntsieloa Bonolo21301921LES1290
6Leboela Maboloko21300119LES1268
7Motlhokoa Tlotlisang21301298LES1258
8Taioe Reitumetsi21300658LES1213
9Sethabathaba Boitumelo21302782LES1197
10Thetsane Nteboheleng21301930LES1124
11Motlhokoa Tlotliso21301573LES0
12Khiba Selatela21300011LES1394
13Nkalimeng KananeloLES0