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Last update 06.03.2022 12:25:30, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

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Starting rank list

1GMLazarev Vladimir4113250FRA2465
2GMPikula Dejan906379SRB2337
3IMRunic Zoran14401410BIH2325
4IMNovoselski Zoran901970SRB2317
5IMOstojic Nikola904287SRB2309
6IMSredojevic Ivan929310SRB2307
7GMMarkovic Miroslav901504SRB2286
8FMNikolic Dragovan916986SRB2204
9GMPopchev Milko2900165BUL2193
10Joshua A P5089646IND2144
11FMRamu K.5006171IND2117
12WFMVishwa Vasnawala46658467IND2115
13CMAmitpal Singh5012899IND2102
14Jakhari Ansh1066005NED2055
15Bogdanov Artyom13749200KAZ2039
16Ahmad Khagan13431552AZE1933