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The 3rd Sri Lanka Youth Chess Grand Prix 2022 - Group A

Last update 08.02.2022 12:34:29, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

Starting rank list of players

3Gunawardhana Devindya Oshini29941482SRI1454
9Weerathungalage W D Malisha Sasvidu9970410SRI1314
12Samaranayake Pamok Methdinu29946158SRI1278
8Francis U M Senal Vishmin29909350SRI1160
11AFMJanukshan B29945399SRI1160
1Abeysekera Bises Oneja29927501SRI1139
10Wadduwage Thamindu Upeksha29950430SRI1052
4Amarathunga Piyumi Uthpala29954630SRI0
5Gamage P Lakindu Chamalka29945216SRI0
7Kannangara Ranul Insitha29949939SRI0
6Liyanage Sathini Disathna29974771SRI0
2Sithumya W L Sithuli29972612SRI0