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20th Tournament Orsha 2022 (Open) IM F

Senast uppdaterad09.02.2022 10:35:48, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Lista över spelare

1GMTeterev Vitaly13501429BLR2421
9IMSitnikov Anton14111110UKR2375
10FMMakoveev Ilya34155748RUS2322
6IMNovitzkij Dmitrij13500619BLR2298
8WFMLysenko Margarita34100200RUS2262
3WFMVysotskaya Anastasiya24172073RUS2257
5FMBorisova Ekaterina34124184RUS2250
7WIMDimitrova Aleksandra24173371RUS2197
2FMPiliposyan Robert13309978ARM2176
4Bazyrtsyrenov Kirill24215872RUS2104