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Final Phase Kenya National Team Selection - Open Section

Last update 09.02.2022 06:51:51, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

Starting rank list of players

3CMMagana Ben10800166KEN2081KCB Chess Club
2Namale Ben Nguku10800263KEN2000KCB Chess Club
6Hinga Githinji10801006KEN1970Deadly Bishops
4Ndegwa Jackson Kamau10801731KEN1910KCB Chess Club
1Njoroge Martin10801952KEN1901KCB Chess Club
7Nyaga James Kabui10808353KEN1855Anchor Chess Club
8Mwangi John Milton Kihara10807667KEN1839JKUAT
9Mukoko Isaac10802576KEN1774Deadly Bishops
10Shile Lenny Mataiga10808868KEN1751Trojan Warriors
5Maina Chris10826920KEN1736JKUAT
11Oluka Robert Mcligeyo10814647KEN1638Lighthouse Chess Club