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Tournament Organiser: GM Attila Czebe
Tournament venue:St. George Residence Hotel
4 Fortuna street, Budapest 1014 HUNGARY (
(Live on /

Vezerkepzo Winter GM 2022

Last update 03.02.2022 15:09:31, Creator/Last Upload: Chessbill

Starting rank list of players

5GMNagy Gabor737119HUN2531
1GMHorvath Adam708003HUN2509
10IMNemeth Miklos720232HUN2470
9GMKovalev Andrei13500023BLR2469
3IMMurphy Conor E421669IRL2431
7FMKlukin Kirill24199273RUS2374
4IMGarayev Kanan13406671AZE2341
2FMCsiki Endre775126HUN2320
6FMBalint Vilmos718050HUN2296
8CMAslanov Umid13412620AZE2187