Firmenschach Einzelmeisterschaft RVIS

Organizer(s)Firmenschach Innerschweiz
FederationGermany ( GER )
Chief ArbiterHans Bühlmann
Time control
LocationRest. Steeltec
Number of rounds11
Tournament typeRound robin
Rating calculation -
Date2024/10/22 to 2025/04/08
Pairing programSwiss-Chess from Franz-Josef Weber

Last update 21.01.2025 23:23:45, Creator/Last Upload: Swiss-Chess 325168

Parameters No tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
ListsStarting rank list of players, Alphabetical list
Rank after Round 6, Pairings/Results
Statistics, Playing schedule
Excel and PrintExport to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, QR-Codes

Starting rank list of players

1Lustenberger JosefSwiss Steel
9Müller HansjörgSwiss Steel
11Frowein Marie-ThereswSwiss Steel
3Bachmann PeterSwiss Steel
10Briner StefanSwiss Steel
7Bühlmann HansSwisscom
5Inderbitzin BeatESV
4Miletic DraganSwiss Steel
2Nagy AlexanderSwiss Steel
8Theiler AntonSwiss Steel
6Zimmermann MarkusSwisscom