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Results FINAL, winners posted at 4NCL website.

2nd 4NCL Spring Online Congress Open

Darrera actualització28.04.2022 18:28:24, Creador/Darrera càrrega: 4NCL

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Rànquing inicial

1IMMilchev Nikolay2906090BUL2408
2FMWalker David J400882ENG2261
3Crowther Mark D449512ENG2076
4Edwards-Wright Miles D424072ENG2053
5Sieczkowski Adam21835250POL1994
6Moore Eoin464279ENG1922
7Hammond Benjamin452696ENG1913
8Garnett John S410829ENG1900
9Willison Steven3416720CHI1886
10Smith Mark P485250ENG1881
11Kumar Soham473189ENG1835
12Sagar Aneesh456640ENG1610
13Moss Jack O491284ENG1472
14Upton W E (Bill)433314ENG1400