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Torneo Academia 2022

Last update 25.01.2022 01:08:04, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)

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Starting rank list

1Maristan Agustin3007170URU2057Paysandu
2Pintos Maximiliano3007197URU1784Paysandu
3Castro RominaURU1496Paysandu
4Silva FacundoURU1476Paysandu
5Caillabet Carlos3005801URU1258Paysandu
6Garcia LorenaURU0Paysandu
7Luberiaga Leonor3016609URU0Paysandu
8Nin IgnacioURU0Paysandu
9Videverrigain Juan IgnacioURU0Paysandu