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Klaipeda championship 2021

Last update 21.02.2022 21:25:36, Creator/Last Upload: sseleman

Starting rank list of players

4FMLevitskiy Andrey14132885UKR2329
7Drozdov Sergej12800945LTU2193
5Pidluznij Gleb12817082LTU2046
12Jablokov Dmitrij12811289LTU2010
6WFMSibajeva Marija12807583LTU1985
2Zirnovas Martynas12803880LTU1812
8Scekaciov Rostislav12827363LTU1726
3Gluchaciov Nikolaj12807044LTU1723
9Jankus Giedrius12810983LTU1712
1Buivydas Skirmantas12807559LTU1675
10Barsciauskas Gintautas12802590LTU1525
11Fedorov Artem12830194LTU1223