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Championship BLR 2022 Men

Last update 19.01.2022 14:11:37, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Starting rank list of players

6GMFedorov Alexei13500465BLR2552
3IMNikitenko Mihail13506862BLR2506
11GMAleksandrov Aleksej13500139BLR2502
9GMStupak Kirill13503758BLR2478
7IMLazavik Denis13515110BLR2465
10IMZarubitski Viachaslau13509373BLR2420
12FMTsaruk Maksim13511173BLR2347
4GMLutsko Igor13500716BLR2311
5FMSiniauski Artsiom13512269BLR2300
8FMRunets Ivan13511564BLR2249
1FMStribuk Artiom13515659BLR2230
2Volianuk Vitaly13503847BLR2224