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82nd Armenian Ch. The Highest League

Last update 23.01.2022 16:25:24, Creator/Last Upload: Chess House

Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameFED123456789101112Pts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMPetrosyan ManuelARM*½½½1½111101841,0060
2GMMartirosyan Haik M.ARM½*½½10½1111½7,537,7550,5
3GMSargsyan ShantARM½½*½½1½½111½7,537,7550,5
4GMTer-Sahakyan SamvelARM½½½*½½0½½11+6,532,7560
5GMGabuzyan HovhannesARM00½½*½1½011+628,2560
6GMHarutyunyan Tigran K.ARM½10½½*0½10½+5,529,5050
7IMGharibyan MamikonARM0½½101*½0½10527,5050
8GMPashikian ArmanARM00½½½½½*101½524,5060
9GMMikaelyan ArmanARM000½1010*½0+419,7540
10IMShahinyan DavidARM000001½1½*0+418,5050
11GMPetrosian Tigran L.ARM10000½0011*03,518,7560
12GMAndriasian ZavenARM0½½---1½--1*3,518,5020

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Most black
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)