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African Junior chess championship 2021 Open

Darrera actualització15.01.2022 01:30:36, Creador: LCF_National,Darrera càrrega: Nesla

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Rànquing inicial

1FMBrahami Lamine7905637ALG2212
2Olisa Tennyson8511390NGR2111
3George Samir David10657789EGY2063
4Eyetonghan Denyefa Callistus8511462NGR2005
5Mohamed Abderrahim Taleb Mohamed19601441MTN1923
6Noumbo Vidal16401298CMR1756
7Ajiri Benjamin Netanyahu10013385UGA1448
8Archie Dayea22601244LBR0
9David Leroy Debblay22600876LBR0
10Howard Ben Zelah22601376LBR0
11Hussain Dauda Bangura17800323SLE0
12Jacobs Mitchell22601600LBR0
13Morlue Kerkula22600477LBR0
14Moses Ina Ebenezer Conteh17800250SLE0
15Obediah Saah22600914LBR0
16Edwards Rudolph C.22600353LBR0
17Samuel Williams22601368LBR0
18Wallace O. Williams22601058LBR0