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Vezerkepzo GM Christmas

Last update 04.01.2022 14:05:20, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 32

Starting rank list of players

9GMPechac Jergus14926970SVK2584
2GMMihok Oliver728012HUN2536
4GMNagy Gabor737119HUN2527
8IMAjay Krishna S5096430IND2401
5IMKojima Shinya7000812JPN2392
10Avinash Ramesh45018340IND2391
6Aditya Vikram Paul45058962IND2281
1CMTrost Edvin1729519SWE2271
7FMLeszko Bence769070HUN2253
3WFMSahithi Varshini M45095248IND2216