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Championnat de Monaco des Jeunes - U8 - U10 - U12

Seinast dagført20.12.2021 23:21:38, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

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1Lopneva Christina551072696FRA1154
2Davies Idris5401143MNC1099
3Samorukov Boris5401070MNC1099
4Ventura Alessandro5401437MNC1099
5Benchekroun Mona5401380MNC1009
6Bernasconi Victor5401283MNC1009
7Burle Mia5401399MNC1009
8Davies Aiden5401402MNC1009
9Grybanova Anastasia5401410MNC1009
10Kriuchkov Nikita5401321MNC1009
11Mangin Maxim5401364MNC1009
12Muravschyk Davyd5401356MNC1009
13Reiss Oscar5401194MNC1009
14Stoyanov Victor5401240MNC1009
15Subkhanberdin Michelle5401429MNC1009
16To Nam Long551059266FRA1009