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Campeonatos Argentinos 2021 Sub-14 Femenino - 18 al 21 de Diciembre de 2021

Last update 21.12.2021 21:04:55, Creator/Last Upload: AI Leandro

Starting rank list of players

2Sanchez Abril153486ARG1721FAOGBA
1Sanchez Belen153494ARG1700FAOGBA
7Gaite Karen Nerina169420ARG1447FSA - SALTA
3Castaneda Milagros180874ARG1413FMDA - Mariano Moreno
6Galeano Nahiara Gabriela191140ARG1337Esc Municipal Riachuelo - Corriente
4Gimenez Julieta168548ARG1262ARA - Rosario
5Rezinovsky Nieto Alexia Samira191183ARG1186FADA
8Otto JulianaARG0LIBRE