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The Belt and Road 2021 World Chess Woman's Summit

Last update 11.12.2021 11:14:08, Creator/Last Upload: Chinesechessassociation

Starting rank list of players

7GMKoneru Humpy5008123IND2586humpy1987
2GMJu Wenjun8603006CHN2560juwen
6GMMuzychuk Mariya14114550UKR2539MariyaGM
5GMLei Tingjie8605114CHN2535123lt
4GMTan Zhongyi8603642CHN2525daika91
10GMKosteniuk Alexandra4128125RUS2516chessqueen
8WGMZhu Jiner8608059CHN2478jinbojinbo
1GMStefanova Antoaneta2902257BUL2469GMStefanova
9WIMNing Kaiyu8614750CHN2374Qnmeng
3WGMZhai Mo8600201CHN2374pandazero