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95 Final Campeonato Argentino Superior de Ajedrez

Last update 16.12.2021 20:34:24, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Nacional de Ajedrez

Starting rank list of players

7GMFlores Diego108049ARG2586
1GMPeralta Fernando105309ARG2573
3GMPerez Ponsa Federico117927ARG2561
6GMTristan Leonardo113816ARG2543
2GMObregon Andres Carlos111724ARG2517
5GMKrysa Leandro116807ARG2516
8IMAcosta Pablo Ismael124311ARG2473
11IMPaveto Kevin173444ARG2451
12IMVillanueva Mario113433ARG2450
4GMValerga Diego100587ARG2443
9GMSlipak Sergio100250ARG2397
10IMFiorito Fabian100200ARG2374