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15. Pojedinacno prvenstvo Srbije u sahu 2021 za muskarce

Last update 14.12.2021 15:17:54, Creator/Last Upload: Belgrade Chess Federation

Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtg TB1  TB2  TB3 nwwew-weKrtg+/-
11GMIvic VelimirSRB26066,50096,56,200,30103
28GMBogosavljevic BobanSRB251361,50965,020,98109,8
310GMKovacevic AleksandarSRB2497610964,811,191011,9
46GMBudisavljevic LukaSRB249960,50964,831,171011,7
53GMRatkovic MilojeSRB2493500954,740,26102,6
67GMIndjic AleksandarSRB26234,50094,56,41-1,9110-19,1
75IMRadovanovic NikolaSRB24153,50093,53,72-0,2210-2,2
82IMStankovic MilosSRB2421300933,81-0,8110-8,1
99IMArsovic ZoranSRB23662,50092,53,08-0,5810-5,8
104GMDrazic SinisaSRB2305200922,38-0,3810-3,8

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break3: Manually input (after Tie-Break matches)