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Campeonatos Argentinos 2021 Sub-20 ABS y FEM - 18 al 21 de Diciembre de 2021

Last update 21.12.2021 21:25:53, Creator/Last Upload: AI Leandro

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Starting rank

1Silva Luca147370ARG219120 AJJ URQUIZA - Caseros
2Veliz Ariel139157ARG213320 ACALP - La Plata
3Villarreal Agustin125687ARG207220 AVilla Ballester
4Asprelli Gaspar165891ARG200620 ATigre
5Belmes Martin146838ARG199020 AFMDA - Villa del Parque
6Rojo Gonzalo193020ARG193720 AFASGBA
7Prado Ignacio165328ARG192220 AFMDA - River
8Piceda Bruno158496ARG190020 AFMDA - Velez
9Barloa Enzo137022ARG181520 AOUM - San Luis
10Belmonte Dulce152374ARG166620 FFSA - Salta
11Medina Ivan Ezequiel180386ARG155720 AFASGBA
12Fores FedericoARG020 AFMDA - Torre Blanca