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The start of the 6th Round is at 14:30. Pocetak 6. kola u 14:30

20th European Youth Rapid Championship - OPEN U18

Last update 28.12.2021 19:12:16, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11IMShubin KirillRUS24547,504549,5
29GMBudisavljevic LukaSRB2141714649
36FMPeyrer KonstantinAUT2200704143
42IMLazavik DenisBLR23706045,550
53IMSubelj JanSLO23005,504346
64FMSuvorov AlexanderGER22725043,547,5
712Rudovskii FilippRUS2057504344,5
813Jurakic LukasCRO1957504244,5
911Perkampus LaurinGER2081504244,5
1010FMMarn JanSLO21075037,539
1114Pavicevic Jovan RSRB1932503638
125FMRichter NilsGER22494,5041,545,5
138FMBrilej JakaSLO21614,504142,5
147FMSuvorov LucaGER21864,503638
1517Palczert BotondHUN183040,53638
1615Ninkovic MarkoBIH192840,53334,5
1718Ril EvgenyRUS17353,5031,533
1820Serafimovic IlijaSRB1643303435,5
1922Ivanovic Marko NBIH14372,5031,533
2019Kozomara DusanBIH16542128,530
2116Malis VeljkoBIH18442032,534
2221Bokan NikolaSRB15831,5029,531,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)