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"Vinnytsia Winter - 2022". Tournament B

Last update 07.01.2022 13:46:14, Creator/Last Upload: Nikolay Bodnar

Starting rank list of players

4Shtompel Yuriy14168278UKR2008
10Bilenkiy Maksym14171635UKR1738
9Toroptseva Yevheniia34109374UKR1692
2Diachek Andriy34106499UKR1637
11Semeshko Mykola34112570UKR1580
3Stepaniuk Karina14163314UKR1549
1Stanislavskiy Bogdan14164647UKR1516
7Paslavskiy Pavlo14183471UKR1425
14Dyshliuk Fedir34142827UKR1422
12Bubelo Mykola34117725UKR1400
8Piuro Vladyslav14180650UKR1391
5Nezhyvenko Mykhaylo34139885UKR1340
13Hnatiuk Oleksii34100946UKR1251
6Platovskyi Semen34147284UKR0