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Open turnir SK ,,Buducnost'' 1/2021

Darrera actualització21.11.2021 19:33:36, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Montenegro Chess Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1FMPecurica Milos944963MNE2331
2FMTomic Aleksandar16501799MNE2327
3FMMilovic Jovan930903MNE2292
4Scekic Veljko940020MNE2203
5CMVujacic Igor932620MNE2194
6Djurovic Peko16503902MNE2176
7Djokovic Mirsad903930MNE2168
8Pobor Danilo16502850MNE2074
9Kovacevic Dragoljub16502701MNE2055
10Perkovic Radovan16501713MNE1969
11Jeknic Velimir909831MNE1939
12Mitric Nebojsa936766MNE1867
13Popovic Mateja16504518MNE1723
14Koprivica Andrija16507797MNE1575
15Janjusevic Bozidar16507231MNE1474
16Radulovic Aleksa16507789MNE1274
17Svrkota Milos16505603MNE1197
18Milovic Ilija16504330MNE1136
19Doderovic Aleksa16504780MNE0
20Milovic Sofija16506510MNE0
21Radovic Nemanja16507240MNE0