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Clasifican a la Semifinal Absoluta, 1 de cada 6 participantes que posean elo y jueguen la última ronda del torneo. Si la división no es exacta, se agrega un cupo.

Cuartos de Final del Club de Ajedrez La Proa

Last update 23.12.2021 02:47:14, Creator/Last Upload: AF Alfonso Figueroa

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Starting rank list

1Kulik Nicolas3009530URU17671963U14
2Silberman Alejandro3011968URU01802S50
3Estoyanoff German3005593URU16651769
4Leon Barreto Rafael3011070URU16741728S50
5Moratorio Alberto3005577URU16301696S50
6Cardozo Camila3004457URU15891690wU20
7Aprahamian Tomas3009378URU16041689U14
8Cano Carlos3003094URU16331668S50
9Rodriguez Buela Martin3012158URU17961613U16
10Tabarez Miguel3003566URU15351589S50
11Araujo Daniel3009262URU15151479
12Miller Ariel3009742URU15671460U14
13Moreno Jose Enrique3008606URU15671460S65
14Perrachon Marcos3006786URU13821460U20
15Carlotta Arakelian Maximo3012344URU11581459U12
16Lanzilotta Filippo3009394URU12241459U12
17Pereira Gerardo3009220URU13111378S50
18Quintieri Mathias3010481URU13431334
19Sosa Ines3009360URU11671310wU18
20Muniz Facundo3012352URU11981302U10
21Gereda Guillermo3011674URU11280
22Borgiani Francisco0URU00
23Borgiani Leonardo0URU00
24Gonzalez Bodega Juliana3016145URU00wU16
25Llanes Nicolas3014274URU00U16
26Vaz Martin3009637URU00