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IRT Piaui Paralelo 64 2021

Last update 21.11.2021 16:29:04, Creator/Last Upload: FPIX

Starting rank list of players

4Ribeiro Yuri Alisson Cavalcante2271180517831833
5Da Silva Jose Gomes210098316121772
3AFMCosta Normando Mario Alexandre213958816051836
2Dantas Marcos Dimitri De Rosalmeida2275736815401809
1Do Nascimento Joao Batista2275737614031754
7Pacifico Joao Paulo Alves2275590012591703
10Da Fonseca Pinto Joao Gabriel Alves2275740612101766
8E Silva Bernardo Caio C2278475601739
6Ortiges Vitorino00
9Villa Jr Adelman De Barros01931