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Final do Piauiense de Xadrez Absoluto 2021

Last update 21.11.2021 15:58:32, Creator/Last Upload: FPIX

Starting rank list of players

5Amorim Gidelson Ferreira215911221172146
7Carvalho Lazaro Miranda2270126519532023
2Monteiro Luis Felipe Furtado2270280619481977
9Bastos Werton Alvarenga211632419361958
10Neres Da Silva Marcio2275735018311860
8Gomes Rodrigo De Oliveira2278482917861875
1Dos Santos Joao Mateus Araujo2278481017771860
3Lima Fo Jose Pacifico210433417731831
6Sales Luis Carlos213617117641904
4Veloso Henrique Barbosa2278485317571856