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16th Thailand Junior Chess Championship 2021 - U10

Darrera actualització14.11.2021 04:33:01, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Sahapol Nakvanich

Llista del rànquing inicial

5Vongrungrot Kritin6210716THA1163
2Jitwichian Pataradit6209963THA1067
3Horharin PoommipatTHA0
8Leksukhum Torne6214681THA0
1Pa-In Thunpisit6209157THA0
7Phisuthikul Poj6212352THA0
9Suharuithaya Virit6212697THA0
4Tiyasatkulkovit Teetawat6213774THA0
6Wanusbodeepaisarn Kulthorn6211577THA0