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16th Thailand Junior Chess Championship 2021 - G10+G12+G14

Last update 14.11.2021 06:55:04, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

Starting rank list of players

9Bootsumran Sirin6206654THA1209
7Mekarapiruk Nathasha6208487THA1186
5Kaewwattha Natrada6212174THA1179
8Kusalanukhun Pattarawadee6211518THA1159
1Chinkulkitniwat Purichaya6209343THA1136
2Somthong Aonuma6210759THA1093
4Charoen-Rajapark Chulavadi6209378THA0
10Hwanseang Wasita6211755THA0
6Tawankanjana Sasinat6208894THA0
3Teerawuttiudom Bhiraya6207278THA0