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1st Crown Trust and IDPS Checkmate Invitational Round Robin Chess Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.11.2021 19:11:26, Creator/Last Upload: CHESSTRAK

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1Prakash Ram5014530IND2089PUN
7Atul Kumar5018510IND2011J&K
2Meenal Gupta25070479IND1921J&K
11Soni Krishan5008395IND1906HAR
6AGMShubham Shukla25061623IND1895PUN
10Sharma Shashi Pal5020387IND1867J&K
5Aarav Gupta33372764IND0J&K
4Alankrita Sharma33377332IND0J&K
8Mayank Kulkarni33411000IND0J&K
9Pazhnay Kaushal Kohli33396078IND0J&K
3Ruturaj Rushikesh Dhotre33331421IND0J&K