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Spring Blitz 2021

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony08.11.2021 18:45:33, Creator/Last Upload: SK b4, Mauritius, Ronald Raimbert

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

2Damaree FaawwazMRI1896b4 Chess Club
1Raimbert RonaldMRI1889b4 Chess Club
8Lee StefanMRI1849b4 Chess Club
5Goorsahye AntoineMRI1832b4 Chess Club
7Louise ClementMRI1613b4 Chess Club
6Lam Kin Cheung StephaneMRI1600b4 Chess Club
4Beekhy AamirahMRI1518b4 Chess Club
3Mungroo ArvindMRI1512b4 Chess Club